30 Aug 2007

Monsters, villains and...a rabbit?

This is colour pencil and ink. I´m thinking about doing alittle story for children with these three guys

On the cover: Sudamérika!!!

As I said. Here are some pics from my travel around los Andes (Argentina, Bolivia and Perú.). If there was a comic about the trip, this will be the cover i think... ;-)

Decorating the Locomotion

The Locomotion is the funniest youth-hostel to stay in Córdoba (Argentina). Since the first time you will feel like in a big and crazy family where you can ask for music, party, culture, places to visit, sports or whatever...even maybe they will let you make some paintings on the wall!!!

Silver on the core of Pachamama

In other time Potosí was powerful and rich. Now it seems to be a reflection of its glorious past, but probably is its bitter history what makes this place so interesting. Five centuries ago the indian Diego Huallpa discovered silver on the Cerro Rico (Sumaj Orkho) and then the exploitation of the mountain and the indians by the spanish started. Today, mines´ works are still going on (although there´s no silver left) and the miners keep offering to "El Tío" some presents to protect themselves inside the mine like cigarettes or coca leafs...

Note: the translation for "el Tío" is "the uncle", but it makes reference to the demon.

The indians from Los Andes: Quechuas and Aymaras

On the left is Javicho, I met him and his brother Yerko in La Paz. We gave them some colours and pencils and we were drawing together at the little market where they worked everyday. They did really well. On the right is Rodrigo, a tireless little boy we use to play with in Potosí.

Here are Francisca and Mario H.H. She was selling oranges, lemons and peanuts to the travellers at La Quiaca bus terminal (Argentina-Bolivia border). Mario was a gentleman that we met in Cuzco. He asked me to make a portrait of him, "but it should be quickly" he said, and here it is. I made some more portraits during the trip but I always give them as a present...


Cuzco is a beautiful city, but it is so touristic also. I would had stayed here for some time, to walk along the Sacred Valley of the Incas, full of ruins.

Little sketches

Quick sketches with ink or pencil: cholos, cholitas, inca´s masks, a child...I must draw faster!!!


Here are some pics of my travel mates and other people we found along the way.

20 Aug 2007

...On travel

Sorry guys. I know it´s been a long time without posting anything but I´ve been visiting my sister in Buenos Aires and we went on travel to the north of Argentina, Bolivia and a little bit of Peru. Incredible places and amazing people and culture. I have some drawings from there so I promise they will be here for you in a few days!!!